5 Randoms of the Week

I love the podcast No Such Thing as a Fish. Maybe it’s because I seem to love all things British, or maybe just because I love learning random facts.  It’s a weekly podcast where they discuss 4 facts, one for each host, of the week.  I decided that I should start doing the same, however mine might also include lessons learned.  If we aren’t continually learning, then how are we going to grow and change. So here they are, my 5 facts of the week:

  1. Mug Cake Fail – I learned that I apparently suck at making mug cakes.  I had a pretty decent run of successful mug cake making, and eating.  However, two days in a row this week, I have failed. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but the batter just doesn’t seem to cook. Does anyone have any tips or insight?
  2. Driving – On my drive home from work, I was suddenly thinking about how cool it would be if you could drive in real life, like you do in Mario Kart! Throw a banana peel out your window, lay a turtle shell down, peace out sucker.  You could also swerve around people and knock them off the road, if they are going too slow. One can dream…or go to Tokyo and do the Mario Kart go-kart in the streets.  It’s an actual thing, look it up.  
  3. Amazon Prime Pantry – As of today, Amazon Prime Pantry doesn’t have Cottonelle toilet paper on their website. I’m done.
  4. Building a Blog – Even without having to know code, it’s way more time to get it set up than I was expecting.  I figured you just dragged and dropped things wherever you wanted them, and that’s not how it works, when you don’t know code. I’m hoping now that the site is set up to my liking, it will be a little more smooth sailing from here on out.
  5. Multiple Sclerosis – Women are about twice as likely as men are to develop MS. I participate in BikeMS every year to help find a cure for MS.  This poem was so well written I had to share. Dear adversary 30 years of living with MS