How To: Gym Etiquette

You are not more important than everyone else. You are not more entitled to be there than anyone else. We all pay for a membership.


Gym Meme

  1. Wipe off the equipment after you use it. I don’t care if you sat on the bench once or walked for 5 minutes. Wipe it off you sicko.
  2. If you’re using a treadmill…put the incline down before you hop off. No one wants to have to use a treadmill that is stuck at 15% incline, because you have to wait for it to come down to level and it’s just annoying. I can’t even stand seeing treadmills that are left at an incline. Your time is not more valuable than anyone else’s, take the 20 seconds to lower it. Can you tell this is a major pet peeve of mine.
  3. Don’t put a ton of weight on equipment and then leave it there, when you’re done, take it off.
  4. Put your stuff back, if you take a mat off of the rack, put it back on the rack, if you use the dumbbells put them back. This should be common sense and common courtesy.
  5. Don’t walk over other people’s stuff. There is no need for you to walk in between machines and over top of my water bottle or phone. Walk around.
  6. No, I do not want to have an entire conversation with you while I’m in the middle of my sets.
  7. Don’t stare at people, especially while doing hip thrusts!
  8. Have fun!

What are your biggest pet peeves in the gym or things that drive you nuts?