Author: Stacy

How to Take Care of Your Activewear

How to Take Care of Your Activewear

All clothing comes with a “care label” sewn into the clothing. How many of us actually take the time to read the instructions on how to launder our clothing? I know I usually don’t. Activewear isn’t cheap though, so there’s no point in ruining it 

5 Things to Never say to Someone who Works out

5 Things to Never say to Someone who Works out

Most of us work really hard to get to where we are, and we don’t always have support along the way. I’m lucky enough to come from an active family that supports my desire to workout and be healthy. Although my mom once said “that’s 

5 Tips to be Successful at Morning Workouts

5 Tips to be Successful at Morning Workouts

Waking up early isn’t easy, even for someone like me who is a self proclaimed morning person. There are weeks where I wake up before my alarm and feel refreshed and ready to take on the world, and then there are days when I hear 

Rothy’s Shoe Review

Rothy’s Shoe Review

Do you remember my no shopping challenge for the month of June? If you haven’t read it you can check it out here. Well while I was going through that month I realized that I really needed new work shoes. Due to the surgery I 

July Favorites

July Favorites

There are some months that I sit down and try to think of my favorite things, and I draw a blank. July was one of those months, until I really thought about stuff I was using all the time. Sometimes I feel like I will 

Why I Use Aaptiv

Why I Use Aaptiv

If you’ve seen my posts for the last year and a half, you’ve seen me talk about Aaptiv. I honestly can’t even remember how I first heard about it, but at the time I was training for a duathlon by myself. I was fine to 

What’s in My Gym Bag

What’s in My Gym Bag

Do you ever notice that some people refuse to use the locker room at the gym? Why do people insist on putting their coat, keys, water bottle, bag, etc. in the stretching area.  There’s a GIANT locker room at my gym. Have you ever gotten 

My Favorite Podcasts

My Favorite Podcasts

I love listening to music, but in the last few years I’ve really enjoyed listening to podcasts. I feel like podcast make time go by so much faster than music alone. Whether I’m in the car on a road trip, meal prepping in my kitchen, 

Roasted Cauliflower

Roasted Cauliflower

One of my new favorite ways to eat vegetables is roasting them. Cauliflower is no exception, and you’ve probably seen it on my plate a lot recently. I love it and I’m not ashamed! Here is how I make my roasted cauliflower, which I love! 

Why I Love Morning Workouts

Why I Love Morning Workouts

I didn’t initially start working out in the mornings, I actually started working out over my lunch hour. I’m incredibly lucky to have a company that provides a pretty decent gym for us to use in our building. A few of my coworkers convinced me