Author: Stacy

Top 5 Tips to fit in health/wellness while traveling

Top 5 Tips to fit in health/wellness while traveling

1. Plan! This may seem like a no-brainer to some, but planning will help you succeed. If you’re traveling all the time for work, your plan should look different than a vacation. What do I mean by planning? Check out your hotel and see what 

My New West Elm Dresser

My New West Elm Dresser

I’ve been looking at new dressers for what felt like forever. I didn’t NEED a new dresser, but I didmd really like the style of my old one anymore. I was having an internal battle with wanting versus needing. Well my want finally won. I 

February Favorites

February Favorites

Stance Super Invisible Socks These are “no-show” type socks, and they can be worn with tennis shoes without showing at all. I’ve also worn them with Keds with no show. The best part is they don’t slip off your heel! Its so annoying when socks 

Birchbox Feb 2019

Birchbox Feb 2019

This month’s box design was a sweet and subtle Valentine’s theme! Each month you can select a specific sample from a provided selection, or you can choose a curated box. If you choose the box you know exactly what you’re going to get, otherwise you 

Amazon/Target Clothing Finds

Amazon/Target Clothing Finds

I went on a little Amazon and Target spree recently looking for cute and affordable graphic tops. I saw a couple “influencers” mentioning the Amazon tops, so I figured…wha the heck, lets try them! Here’s what I got from Amazon: Shawhuwa Womens Long Sleeve Spring 

Cleo Harper Review

Cleo Harper Review

I have wanted a Cleo Harper Coco bra for what seems like forever!I think I had a tab open on my browser for literally 5 months. I don’t know why I never bought one, probably because I couldn’t choose! well…I finally decided to take the 

Favorite Travel Snacks

Favorite Travel Snacks

I travel quite a bit for work and sometimes for fun too! Flights are often at inconvenient times compared to when you normally eat meals, and when traveling with a group of people, you’re at the mercy of others. Anyone who has traveled with me 

January Favorites

January Favorites

I know I’m a little late on my January favorites, but I was taking a short break because of my wrist surgery! I’m back to posting more regularly, so here you go, my favorites from the last month: Scrub Daddy/Mommy – This was recommended to 

Fabletics Review

Fabletics Review

Yeah, those 2 for $24 legging adds got me too, they got me good! Fall of 2017 I was in Chicago and went into a Fabletics store. Before this point in time, I had resisted all things Fabletics (even when my friends had used it). 

Underarmour Armour Box Review

Underarmour Armour Box Review

First off, I didn’t know that Armourbox existed until a couple months ago. You know I’m obsessed with activewear so I had to try it out. I had tried the Adidas Avenue A box back in the day (it no longer exists), but everyone who