Favorite Travel Snacks

Favorite Travel Snacks

I travel quite a bit for work and sometimes for fun too! Flights are often at inconvenient times compared to when you normally eat meals, and when traveling with a group of people, you’re at the mercy of others. Anyone who has traveled with me 

January Favorites

January Favorites

I know I’m a little late on my January favorites, but I was taking a short break because of my wrist surgery! I’m back to posting more regularly, so here you go, my favorites from the last month: Scrub Daddy/Mommy – This was recommended to 

December Favorites

December Favorites

Is there really something new to love every month? I tend to use the same things over and over, but here are some new things that I’ve been loving in December! Dr. Lipp Miracle Balm – I got this in a Birchbox a long time 

November Favorites

November Favorites

I know I’m a little late on this post, considering it’s almost mid December, but last week was a busy week! I was visiting Minnesota, and simply didn’t make posting a priority. Here are the things I was loving in the month of November.   Tropeaka 

October Favorites

October Favorites

I can’t believe October is coming to an end. Where has the month gone? Alright, I actually know where it’s gone, but it still doesn’t seem like it should be over! With that being said, the end of the month means new favorites. Here’s what 

P’tula Activewear Review

P’tula Activewear Review

If you’ve never heard of P’tula, it stands for Passion to Unite and live Active. Their slogan is: Activewear for the errand running, gym kicking, schedule dominating, individual who needs clothing that can keep up, look great, and feel even better. I first heard of 

September Favorites

September Favorites

I feel like I never have new favorites to talk about each month. I tend to use the same things over and over, but there are a couple new things I tried this month that I really did love. Check them out below! Smart Sweets 

August Favorites

August Favorites

I’m a creature of habit, I tend to buy the same thing at the store most weeks, and I tend to use the same things over and over every month. Here are some of the things I was loving in the month of August.  Instant 

Why I love Athleta Powervita

Why I love Athleta Powervita

One of my first posts was my favorite brands for workout leggings. You can check it out here, but Athleta was and still is one of my favorite brands for leggings. And I still stand by everything I said in my original post. I have 

Rothy’s Shoe Review

Rothy’s Shoe Review

Do you remember my no shopping challenge for the month of June? If you haven’t read it you can check it out here. Well while I was going through that month I realized that I really needed new work shoes. Due to the surgery I